“Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire”.
Jennifer Lee

Welcome to Tania & Guy’s travel blog
We are a married couple from England. Who has embarked on an epic globetrotting adventure to travel.
Initially, we began this travel blog allowing us to keep in touch with our family and friends. Enabling them to follow our progress. Saying goodbye was never going to be easy.
With their support and encouragement that we were doing something that they only dream of. Made it so much easier for us.
“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them”.
Over the past years, it has evolved. Becoming an informative travel blog. Which we hope will inspire everyday people that:-
“An ordinary couple in their 50’s with commitments can fulfil their dreams to travel”.
Charting our journey on this blog. Share our experiences through our encounters, trials and tribulations. From the initial stages of preparation, through our entire travels.
Follow us through the decisions we made on what to take and what not to take. Read our honest opinions on our day to day experiences and the choices we made.
How it started
Having always had the desire to travel more. With the day to day commitments of work consuming our lives. We only travelled during holiday times like most.
The two of us enjoyed our jobs and we weren’t getting any younger. With our three children grown up, we saw a window of opportunity. Before the arrival of any grandchildren. Decision made.
Gallivanting around the world isn’t an easy thing to do. Yet with the support of each other, we are managing. It really isn’t as hard as we thought.
How would we cope?
For us being together 24/7 was never going to be an issue.
Potential issues were things like:-
Our physical fitness
Would we be able to carry the backpacks?
Our mental health
Could we cope with the pressures of moving constantly?
How much was it all going to cost?
Coming up with so many what-ifs? Yet here we are 11 months in (July 2020) Living the dream and kicking ourselves as to why we didn’t do it years ago.
We hope that our blog will provide useful information and resources. To show everyday people, like you and us, can travel.